Monday, September 24, 2007

Writing versus Bloggin

My excuse for not posting blog entries is that I have been writing. That is generally a good thing when claiming to be a writer, even if the writing is not for money.

My quandry is that, like many writers, I struggle between ways to market my writing, get it noticed, versus simply creating. It is the irony of many creative arts that ultimately one needs to be a better business person than artist. I tend to disagree with the pundits of writing, most who are "published," but few who are truly successful. Their thought that "write a good book" as the first step toward success is trite. There are a lot of "good books" written out there that will never get published, never get discovered, and will molder on the hard drive.

I have been looking at the industry and thinking, "how can one get past the walls created by agents and publishers?" without resorting to simply self publishing and have that molder.

My ideas are coalescing. What I need are some creative writers who want to devote some real time and effort to the cause. Especially, those with web development (B2C, B2B, etc.) experience. Being in the Seattle area, one would think that is not too hard, but the risk tolerance of many is much lower than I expected.

So now I am balancing writing with creating a startup.