Saturday, May 28, 2011

iPad not ready for businss or school prime time

I continue to WANT to use the iPad for more and continue to be disappointed. Jobs' dream of a next gen computing, or post desktop/laptop era is still out of reach.

My latest and greatest disappointment is that there is not a single application out there that lets you edit word documents with Track Changes on. This is a huge limitation. All business people, all students, and all academics need this capability. One of the things I do is edit/read manuscripts for publishing. The ability to do that anywhere, on the go, is enticing with the iPad. I WANT TO DO IT! I WANT TO USE MY iPAD! I cannot.

All the Office applications for the iPad do not do this (in fact many will actually LOSE existing redlining/track changes so beware of even using these if it is a doc with those turned on, or just as bad, they will pull ALL CHANGES into the doc and make it part of the doc...making a mess of it!).

There is one application, iAnnotate, which does most of what is useful as far as adding highlights, notes, etc. But, that is ONLY FOR PDF. Not very useful for works in progress, collaborative efforts, etc.

The promise of the iPad over and Android device included the tens of thousands of applications. I think that gap is an illusion when you see basic office applications not even close to parity on basic functionality (available for 20 years) on a desktop. The Android adoption could be fast and furious if that is solved on Android tablets.

This will be an interesting summer and fall as these sorts of things shake out!

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